Top things to Do While you are in Self Quarantine
Hello to everyone
WHO has already announced, Coronavirus outbreak as an Emergency across the whole world, and all the Nations including India are taking all the preventive measures they can to stop this Outbreak. amidst all of this we find ourselves stuck at home but isn’t that boring??
Well honestly while getting bored and scrolling through feeds all day one comes across so much stuff one can explore. cooking, work etc are the most popular though but we thought of things more interesting while maintaining social distancing.
We suppose doing something productive while having a little bit of Entertainment during this lockdown is much needed.
So here’s what we have thought
Spend quality time with family
Take this lockdown as an opportunity to spend quality time with your family.Try to involve yourself as much as you can with family discussions. Try including some fun games like Ludo, Carrom – where you can include all the family members. Have a movie marathon with your family. Include kids in some DIY Projects like baking a cake or something fun.
Here are a few to get you started:
=> 27 zero-waste DIY ideas that will make you say, “my God, it’s brilliant”
=> 15 fun crafts for teens that will bring out their inner artist

Learn a new programming language:
As we all know, In today’s world, when technology is so advanced, the most important skill a person should have is to know how to write a computer program. So if you are from the IT field or have basic computer knowledge, why not expand your Horizons, during this period of Self Isolation / Quarantine. Here is a list of the best programming languages to learn.
Game ON:
Well if you are a gamer, this is probably the best time to wake up your inner gamer and compete with your Gamer friends. From Pubg to Dota, NFS to Devil May Cry there are lots of games to try ;).
Also if you have a VR headset, you can add playing BEAT SABER to Home Workout list / Cardio list as it can help you in a Quick Cardio or if play it regularly, you can even lose weight
Workout from Home
Well you can’t go to the GYM, but you can Certainly do Workout at Home. Check out There are Various Workouts listed here … which are Super Effective and don’t require any equipment.
Also, to make it more fun, you can always include dancing or Zumba in your workout routine, this will not only keep your mood fresh but will also keep you fit 🙂
Say bye bye to Stress and Say Hello to meditation
Staying at home all day can be tiring, boring and stressful. The lockdown has especially become a cause of stress and anxiety for those whose businesses are shut down and/or are incurring losses. In such times, doing some meditation and stress-busting activities can be helpful. Meditation is a commonly-used practice to relax and feel less stressed. It is a practice which is considered to be great for boosting mental health.
Explore the World with Virtual Reality
In a situation like this when you can’t step outside, Virtual Reality is your best companion. With the help of Virtual Reality, you can explore favorite Destination Virtually 🙂. You can also try Some Amazing Games like :
=> MOSS: You can get it here: For Playstation VR. For Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus. For Oculus.
=> BEAT SABER: You can get it here: For Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus. For Oculus. For Playstation VR.
=> PISTOL WHIP: You can get it here: For Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus. For Oculus.
=> ECHO ARENA: You can get it here: For Oculus.
=>ARIZONA SUNSHINE: You can get it here: For Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus. For Oculus. For Playstation VR.
Btw, Did you know
There was a time, during the 17th century When the Bubonic plague forced London theaters to close, All the Public playhouses had to shut down. That’s when William Shakespeare was quarantined and during this time he wrote King Lear. Also, during The Great Plague, lasting from 1665 to 1666, Classes at Cambridge University were canceled, so Newton retreated to his family estate roughly 60 miles away to continue his studies there. It was during this time, confined in his home, that Newton made some of his greatest discoveries, including gravity.