Some Geeky ways to Say I Love You , Part -1

Are you in love with some one ?? , and want to express your love to them , but not in Old fashion way ?? . Well here we presents  you new funny way to express your love to your loved one. So here it goes Some Geeky ways to Say I Love You :-


1) My love for you divides by Zero : infinite

geeky ways to say i love you

2) The motherboard in my computer is going to over heat .. will you be my cooling fan and make my tower complete?? 😛


3) My heart  burns Super Critical for you  <3


4) Baby My love for you Can’t be Quantized  XD


5) Like Sine and Cosine waves with increasing frequency , i hope we grow closer and closer forever

geeky ways to say i love you

6) Pardon my gluons , but i cant help being attracted to you  🙂



7)My love for you has no Bugs  , only random features


8) My love for you is like a Circle , It has no end 😉


9) I love you because of these silly harmones  ;P


10) Even During a Zombie Apocalypse , I’d still Chews you  😛



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