Friendship is not a word , not merely a relationship.
It is a silent Promise saying , ” I was “, I am “, and ” I will b”….
Well friends are the most beautiful creation done by the god , Life is literally incomplete without friends. With friends everyday becomes special , but if that day is your friend’s b’day then that day would become more special. So here are some crazy ideas to make your friend’s B’day more Special .
1) Fun Day:- Think of all the things that your friend loves like what he/she likes to eat , where he/she wants to hangout , what he/ she likes to shop etc etc. Then fill that with all the day with all the things that he/she likes so that they day will become more awesome. You can create a full itinerary so that u can remember everything what needs to be done.
2)Surprise every hour :- Well this I have done personally , and based on my personal experience response was awesome . So idea here is to give him/her surprise every hour or after every couples of hours. Surprise could be anything like gifts , events etc etc. This surprise can last upto full day or couple of hours.

3)Surprise party at his/her home :- Another idea based on my personal experience , its little bit crazy but whatever 😛 , so here its goes , this idea will require co-operation of friend’s family member , get in touch with them before the actual day of b’day and ask their permission that u can plan a party on that day. After that make a scene on actual day , get in fight with your b’day or act like you forgot his/her b’day. Next ask your other friends to call your friend , and invite him some where out for party or treat , so that you can use his/her house for party . Now as soon as he/she left the house , reach his/her house and starting doing your thing. Now after you done , call your friends and ask them to make b’day boy /girl to invite at his /her house. Now when he /she comes at his/her house .. Taaaaddddaaa…. Surprise 😛
4)Balloon avalanche! :- If you are in college , office this thing can work for you . Example can be shown here
5)Flower Bomb :- Well another idea if you like Balloon avalanche you will love this also , fill a cupboard with flowers , so that when he/she opens taaadaaa.. avalanche of flowers. 😛 .. you can checkout this idea here designlovefest.
6) Cards , Cards and more cards :- Imagine what if a person receive different card every day before b’day so as to remind him/her that a special day gonna come soon. !! 🙂 .. well you can do it buy ordering cards online or best is that to make cards by your hand and find a way to secretly deliver them.

7)Cakes :- Best way to celebrate b’day. B’day is incomplete without a cake. So order a picture cake or if he she likes tv shows , order a tv show themed cake or sport themed cakes >