Who doesn’t love angry birds ??Specially kids.Your kids would go crazy if they found out that angry bird is their birthday party theme. So Have a look at these angry bird cake/angry bird cake ideas/angry bird theme cake around the web.
So here we go…
1) Whoa!!!
Source : Pinterest
2) Angry bird and his friends
Source : Pinterest
3) Wow ..!!!
Source : Pinterest
Source : Pinterest
5) oink oink 😛 !!!
Source : Pinterest
6) Awesome !!!!
Source : Pinterest
7) is it angry birds ….or star wars cake or angry star birds wars .. Hahahah 🙂 :p 😉
Source : Pinterest
8) Beautiful !!!
Source : Pinterest
9) Kawaaaiiiiii 🙂 <3
Source : Pinterest
so these were some cool cakes/ angry birds cake ideas – Hope you guys liked it 😉 .Stay tuned for more awesome cake ideas 🙂