Some One Piece Cake / One Piece Cake ideas

For all One Piece anime’s fan out there , we present you some cool /awesome One Piece Cake / One Piece Cake ideas /One Piece themed Cake  from around the web . So here we go :- 1) Starting with the pirate ship where Luffy begins his journey  :- source :pinterest   2) One piece …

Some Cool Cake ideas for Mother’s Day

Mother is the most precious gift to us by GOD , and mother’s day is a special day to show our love,appreciation towards our MOM . So here are Some Cool Cake ideas by which you can impress your mom on her special day.   1) Source : pinterest   2) source : pinterest 3)   source : …

Cool Batman Vs Superman Cakes ideas

Look  It’s  A Bird… It’s A Plane…It’s Superman , We all know who Superman is , An alien orphan who  sent from his dying planet to Earth, where he grows up to become his adoptive home’s first and greatest superhero. While When its Night a famous Super Hero arises from Dark ,  The Batman . A famous …

Some Cool Avengers Cakes / Avengers themed Cakes

Avengers Assemble !!! ,  Well if you are an avengers fan , you must have  known  how cool first movie was .  (When Thor’s evil brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), gains access to the unlimited power of the energy cube called the Tesseract, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), director of S.H.I.E.L.D., initiates a superhero recruitment effort …

Cool Anime Cakes for Anime Lovers – Part 1

Are you a anime lover like me ??  If  yes  then this post is especially dedicated for the people like us . Who doesn’t love cakes ??  ( well almost every one love cakes) , and what if your favorite cakes takes the form of your favorite anime characters  ??  Good na ?? . So …